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Particle Command Maker Tool
Generate particles with this command generator, ideal to place into command blocks to show various particles including dust, explosions and more. The particle command works best in a repeating command block, or command block with a red stone timer. Most effects work as expected, a few have extra arguments.
Co-ords & Delta
The x,y,z coordinates will set center of the particles. Delta is a Gaussian distribution, which spreads particles about 8 blocks for every 1 delta set, with more appearing towards the center.
Exceptions 1-3 todo text copy
The following command will create an 8×8×8 cloud of composter particles.
particle composter ~ ~2 ~ 1 1 1 0 100
Speed & Count & Colored Particles
Setting the speed of the particle does not work on all particles. Count increases the amount of particles being generated.
When count is set to 0 Delta becomes Motion for particles that have motion. Make sure you set speed,
so the particles can move with Motion. In this example the cloud particles will move upwards.
particle cloud ~ ~1 ~ 1 2 2 0.1 0
For entity_effect or ambient_entity_effect when Count is set to
0 then delta becomes an rgb color. Make sure you set speed/brightness
between 0-1. The below command will make orange particles (for more examples click here).
particle entity_effect ~ ~1 ~ 1 0.5 0 1 0
For note when Count is set to 0 the first delta value becomes color between 0-1. There are 25 notes
and the colors will only change at certain values. The below command will make a blue note (for more examples click here).
particle note ~ ~1 ~ 0.625 0 0 1 0
Normal rendering will be visible up to 32 blocks away. Force rendering will be visible up to 512 blocks away. It's recommended to use normal in most cases as to many particles can cause a lot of lag.
An option that sets which users can see particles. Follows target syntax, the follow example particles will be visible when within 5 blocks of the source.
particle dust 1 1 0 1 ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1 normal @a[distance=..5]
Particles With Extra Arguments
dust requires 4 extra additional arguments, 3 for rgb, and 1 for size. Colors range from 0-1,
if higher numbers are used then the colors are random. The below command will make an
orange particle (for more examples click here).
particle dust 1 0.5 0 1 ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1
dust_color_transition requires 7 extra additional arguments, 3 for rgb start color, 1 for size, and 3 more for end color.
This particle command works best with a red stone timer on the command block.
In the following example the dust particle will transition from red to blue, with a size of 3.
particle dust_color_transition 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Particles
sculk_charge has an extra angle variable, specified in Radians. 6.283° Radians = 360° Degrees.
In the following example the sculk_charge is at a 90 degree angle
particle minecraft:sculk_charge 1.570 ~ ~1 ~
shriek has an extra delay ticks variable, which delays the particle from appearing.
This particle command works best with a red stone timer on the command block.
In the following example the shriek will appear in 5 seconds
particle shriek 100 ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1
vibration has 4 extra variables, 3 destination coordinates, and a duration of move set in ticks.
Coordinates only seem to work if absolutely set. This particle command works best with a red stone timer on the command block.
In the following example the vibration moves to the target coordinates over 5 seconds.
particle minecraft:vibration 3 1 0 100 ~ ~1 ~
block will have small parts of the block as particles. Block states can be added for some blocks.
particle block wheat ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1
block_marker shows a flat version of the block. Block states can be added for some blocks.
particle block_marker wheat ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1
falling_dust particles fall downwards, usually matching the block overall color.
particle falling_dust wheat ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1
item will have small parts of the item as particles.
particle item apple ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 1
More Information About Particles
Version History
added1.21 items
addedSome 1.20.5 particle support
patch1.20.5 Container item component nbt
patchText/Lore importing
added1.20.5 finished adding summon potion, firework, item, falling block, and block display support
patch1.20.5 fixed sweeping which had been renamed to sweeping_edge
added1.20.5 import for banners, enchanted books, fireworks, goat horns, knowledge books, player heads, potions, signs, and written books
added1.20.5 import for base command, and armor
added1.20.5 support for banners and premade banners
patch1.20.5 potion Ambient, Particles, Icon
added1.20.5 support for summon item
added1.20.5 support for signs
patchplayer head texture urls not working
added1.20.5 support for Enchanted Books, Fireworks, Player Heads
added1.20.5 support for Potions, Written Books
patchTargets not updating when updated
added1.20.5 support for Armor, Knowledge Books
patchItem search
addedGive generator migrated to version 2
addedBanner generator migrated to version 2
added1.20.5 predicates, sbt
Read version history »
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